Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Silly Sully

 Sully stripped his bed before taking a nap. 
 "Look! I'm licking the sugar off all these elephant ears!! I'm crazy!"
 Everyone wears their shirt on their head when they eat popsicles
 He fell asleep like this. Rubber gloves and a flashlight.
 Having a mud party!
 Decided shirts were optional for breakfast, and loved it

Sully dressed himself for bed. And put his shorts on like a shirt.
Finn's bed - made it himself
Sully's bed after he "made" it.  Seriously.

I'm sure every parent thinks their children are different, special, and all that. But there is just something about my youngest that makes me smile.  He is so totally goofy, so good natured with such a kooky sense of humor. I've started calling him Silly Sully, after a book that Norah had as a baby called Silly Sally. The book goes "Silly Sally went to town, walking backwards upside down." I'm pretty sure if Sully could figure out how, he'd do the same thing, smiling the whole way. Every child has a special quality that sets them apart from their siblings, and Sully's is that he makes me laugh. He is so darn happy, that I'm sure he will get away with stuff just because he goes about it in such a silly way.  He is just a carefree little boy, and after the winter that we had, he was a welcome distraction. He is a great reminder not to sweat the small stuff, and just be happy, because there is always something out there worth smiling about, if you look at life the way he does.  I love my goofy Sullyman.

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