Friday, May 31, 2013

School Year Comes to A Close

 Sully's first day of 3 yr old preschool
 Finn's first day of 4 yr old preschool
 Norah's first day of 1st grade
 Last day!

 Finn's teacher -  Mrs. Folkerts
 Preschool head teacher - Mrs. Perez
Ready for her last day!

When the kids started school this year, I remember thinking that life was going to slow down a bit and I would have more time to myself. Boy was I wrong! Sully started school this year, and in typical Sully fashion, seamlessly entered his new routine. He went to school Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:30-11:00. He loved school, and knew all of his classmates by name within the first month. His teachers were Mrs. Perez and Mrs. Folkerts, and they loved his silly personality, but were also quick to point out how bright he was. By Spring conferences, he had mastered the skill sets that were being taught in the 4 yr old classroom. Dennis and I were pretty surprised. We had Sully pegged as having a frat boy mentality of parties, fun, and shenanigans. Turns out he is a smart frat boy. The teachers said that if he doesn't get challenged in school, he could turn to mischief to keep himself occupied. We have a feeling wherever shenanigans can be found, Sully will be close by. 
Finn had a bit of a hard time with the adjustment to 3 yr old preschool last year, so it was good that he had familiar faces to return to in school. In addition to the teachers, both boys were in love with one associate - Rhandi. They talked about her nonstop at home and flirted with her constantly. Finn went to school Monday through Thursdays 12:20-3:20.  As I mentioned before, Finn's teachers were absolutely amazing with him, and recognized the areas that caused him anxiety and helped him be the best Finn he could be.  I had a hard day with his last day of preschool. Truth be told, after I dropped him off, I got back in the car and cried. He has to try so hard to overcome situations and scenarios that come naturally to other kids that sometimes my heart just hurts for him. He's getting older and it's going to be harder to protect him from the world when he will be gone all day everyday. But, I have to tell myself that boy is also strong and has good character. I might need to be the one who fights his battles for me more than Finn actually needs me to do it.  (Tough lesson!) Mama bear might just have to watch him go out and show the world what a great little boy he is and carve his own path. I was so lucky that he had teachers that saw Finn beneath the worrying and then the sickness and the meds he was on. He came so far this year, and I am so proud of him!
Then there is Norah. Norah had Mrs. Kopriva.  Norah started off the year just like she does every year - by testing the teacher and pushing the boundaries. Her first impression of first grade was that it was too hard and there weren't enough hugs given, but she soon settled into her routine. Norah wasn't so much interested in school work as she was socializing with her classmates. She is a bright girl, but spent portions of the year remembering how to take her time and do her best work rather than just rushing through it to get it done. She still doesn't get too concerned with working to her fullest potential, but we are told she is caring and respectful and tells the most amazing stories.  Her teacher thinks she will be an actress. I am looking into the next 10 years and I see lots of drama in our future...
I can't believe I have KIDS.  As in, three small people.  It was only a few years ago where I would say that I had a preschooler, a toddler, and an infant. Now they have their own personalities that are distinctly different from one another and are so unique and challenging, and exhausting, and wonderful.  I guess this is what being a mom is all about? Getting them to this stage and then gradually watch them get more and more independent.  This kinda sucks for us moms. Because the days can get so LONG with life and craziness that sometimes you don't get to appreciate them. But the years?  Man, they go by fast. 

1 comment:

  1. They have grown so much in a year from looking at the photos!!!
