Saturday, April 28, 2012

All Work and No Play...Is Just Not Possible in My House

My darling children woke up this morning, ready to push the boundaries.  Norah has been trying her hand at negotiating the rules...all the time.  Finn is obsessed with butts, and insists on working them into practically every sentence and loves reaching out and grabbing the butt closest to him.  Sully has developed a new game, which he calls "Slappy Face". It is delightfully simple and has only one goal -running up to someone, shrieking "Slappy Face!", and then slapping their face repeatedly with both of his hands.  By 8:30, I was at my wit's end, and all I was doing was settling fights or arguing with my little lawyer-in-training. So I rounded them up and told them if they had energy to make poor choices, then they had energy to do the work I had been trying to do but couldn't because of their behavior. I gave them the three chores I dread most: Norah had to scrub the floor, Finn had to clean the walls and cabinets, and Sully had to wipe down the appliances. Of course, all three found this incredibly fun, and I was informed that this was a very good consequence, and Norah would actually enjoy cleaning the floors whenever they are dirty. But, it wasn't a total loss.  For 45 minutes, I didn't hear "butt" once, my authority was not questioned, nor did I have to dodge little ninja Slappy Hands. And, my kitchen is (a little) cleaner.  I'll take it. 

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