Sunday, June 2, 2013

Good dirty fun is much better than good clean fun!

 "We're stuck!"
 Norah to the rescue
 Push, Norah!
 Gator is saved
 Now time to celebrate!
 Finn finally arrived...just in time to play
 The water goes up to Finn's boots

So, on the last day of school my kids played outside.  I distinctly remember telling them NOT to get muddy. They told me they were going to drive the gator and the tractor around. We agreed that would be acceptable and I went into the house.  A little while later, Finn came running into the house saying, "Whoops! No big deal Mom! Just gotta put my on mud clothes and my galoshes." Hmmmm.  I went outside and found Norah and Sully. In the gator. In the middle of our huge mud puddle. Norah had driven the gator into the mud, not realizing how deep that puddle was and it got stuck. Norah was able to jump out of the gator to go put her mud gear on, but Sully was stranded and I had put him in a cute outfit for his last day of school and I didn't want him to ruin it so I made him stay put. Norah came running back all changed, and brought Sully's boots with her. So, Sully drove the gator while Norah pushed. It was really good teamwork, and I was pretty pleased. Then, since Norah was muddy, she stayed in the puddle, and Sully quickly joined her (in his nice clothes).  By the time Finn came back, the rescue mission was complete, but since the other two were playing in the mud, it was a lost cause. They had the biggest mud party ever. Finn brought out his swim toys and buried them in the mud hole and the other two went diving for them. It was pretty gross, and I'm pretty sure Sully's clothes ended up getting ruined anyway. At the time I remember telling myself that this is just kids being kids. But then, right before bedtime, Finn remembered his swim toys were still stuck in the mud, so I was the one who had to go out and rake through the muck to find them. I do not enjoy mud. Summer Rule #!: No more mud parties!!!

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