Sunday, May 20, 2012

No bike? No problem!

 "Mom? Sully is actually driving that..."
"I'm gonna get you!"
Our dear neighbors Joe and Rita were generous enough to bring over the gator they bought for their grandsons. We are so lucky to have them. Joe said that his grandsons were getting too big for it and thought that my animals would get a kick out of playing with it.  Do they ever! On this day, Norah and Finn were riding their bikes around the garage.  Sully hasn't quite gotten the hang of peddling his bike yet, but he didn't let that stop him.  He wanted to keep up with the big kids, so he got in the gator. Problem solved! He could stand to brush up on his steering skills and actually watching where he is driving, but I'd say he's doing pretty well for a two year old, especially if you consider how his mommy drives.

Coming along!!!!!

 Front view
 Master bed and bath
 Rear view - boys rooms, kitchen nook, living room, and master bedroom
 Side view - Garage, laundry room, and Finn's room
 The hole!
The house is coming along quite nicely.  The windows are in, which is so exciting, and this week, the electrical work started. We had to pick where we wanted our outlets, light switches, and TV hook ups.  I am not good at visualizing things to begin with, so trying to look at a bunch of framed up walls and trying to envision what the room will look like and where we will want to watch TV and plug stuff in was challenging...but still awesome.  We got water hooked up this week, too. The inside is starting to take shape, now which is so cool.  I can actually picture doing things in the rooms.  So, I like to go over and play house.  I pretend to come into the laundry room, do some laundry, then walk into my kitchen, and make dinner, and bring it into the dining room, because of course, I am cooking a fancy dinner for a bunch of people.  If you're playing house, why not go all out? The fun of walking through an empty house has lost some of its appeal for the kids, who are now fascinated by the hole. Since we no longer have our burn pile (our house is being built where the burn pile used to be), the excavator dug a hole for us to dump things in, and it brings hours of enjoyment to my children.  They love throwing things into the hole.  So far, none of them have fallen into it, but I have a feeling it's only a matter of time. I'll be sure to take pictures and post them when that happens.

Track and Field Day


 Sully with the ladies!
 The starting gun is not for everyone!
Losing Steam but still smiling!

One of my favorite things about Norah's school is that each year, they have Track and Field Day.  The kids pick three events to compete in, and parents take the day off work to volunteer and sit in the stands and cheer them on. In between events, there are other games to play, and fun stuff like popsicles and face tattoos. They even have a ribbon ceremony, and the whole thing is announced over the loudspeaker by the principal. This year, Norah chose to do the long jump, eraser shuffle, and the 100 meter dash. 100 meters might be a bit long for Norah.  She started off strong, but then faded when she began looking around to see who was cheering for her. She did place first in kindergarten girls long jump, though, so maybe track will be in her future after all.  Grandma Rosie came to watch the fun, which Norah loved.  The boys had a great time playing on the playground with Norah and her friends and taking it all in.

Friday, May 11, 2012

I'm not the fun parent (and I'm okay with that)

Slumber party!
Enjoying our snacks - all smiles!

Dennis has been given the title of "the fun parent", which used to irk me a little.  I've always thought of myself as someone who knows how to have a good time, and I couldn't understand why my kids didn't see me that way.  So, when Dennis had to be in Des Moines for a week training for his new position, I decided I was going to show my kids my fun side.  Each day after school, I had something planned.  We went to McDonald's for supper, out for ice cream, had a pizza party, and then, my crowing moment was a slumber party in my bed with popcorn, malts, and M&M's. How could this fail?  I pictured my kids telling Dennis that Mom is challenging his title...then reality hit.  My bed, although it is big, can barely accommodate three children, let alone Mommy.  When I turned out the lights at 8:30 (it was a school night, afterall), I was informed that this is not how slumber parties are supposed to go and I shouldn't call it a slumber party if we aren't going to follow the rules.  Then, there was the issue of who was going to sleep by Mommy.  I failed to take into consideration that three children would mean there was an odd man out. So, Finn and Norah took turns laying by me, which meant every 5 minutes they would switch places, causing Sully to join in the fun by jumping on everyone. Fun Mommy quickly disappeared and was replaced by Grumpy Mommy, who enforced rules about switching places, and poking each other, and if one more person talks, this slumber party would be over. But, once Sully fell asleep, I sat there and snuggled all three of my babies. I realized that all too quickly, this moment will be gone, and my bed won't be crammed with my kids fighting to sleep by me.  So, Norah and Finn and I quietly read stories by the flashlight and said our prayers, and talked until they fell asleep - much later than they should have. And right before Finn fell asleep, he said, "Will Dad be home tomorrow? I miss him."  To which Norah replied, " Me too, he's so much fun. Now go to sleep, Finn." My sentiments exactly. The universe cannot handle two fun parents. And since Dennis does it so well, I will let him have it. Being fun is exhausting!!!

We love you, Gemmen!!!!

 The little bakers at work...

 Norah had to miss Meg's going away party, so she made her a card. Being her mother, I found this incredibly sweet and wish she would make me one!!!
 The finished products...
For the past two years, my cousin  Meghan has come three times a week to play with the kids and give me some time to myself.  The kids absolutely adore her.  Next year, all three kids will be in school, and things won't be quite so crazy around our house, so Meghan won't be coming regularly anymore.  So, on her last day, the kids really wanted to do something special for her.  Finn decided she needed a cake, so we compromised on cupcakes, and then we went into town and Norah and Finn each picked out a bouquet of flowers to give her. They were so excited and had so much fun getting things ready for her. Of course, the boys had to sample some of the cupcakes, but I at least got them to wait until Meg showed up. This closes yet another chapter, and is another sign that my little family is growing up...not sure I'm ready for it, but I'm bound and determined to enjoy the ride! (even if it tugs at my heart a little in the process...)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Out with the old, in with the new

This is a picture of our houses, side by side.  It might help show where the new house will sit on our land.  The new house still needs a few more shingles at the very top, but it's coming along!  A lot of progress is being made inside the house now.  The heating and cooling people are doing what they do for the geothermal. There is some ductwork action going on, and the fireplace, showers, and tubs have been delivered. This is as technical as I get, so if you if you have more in depth questions, you'd better talk to Dennis!