Sunday, May 20, 2012

Track and Field Day


 Sully with the ladies!
 The starting gun is not for everyone!
Losing Steam but still smiling!

One of my favorite things about Norah's school is that each year, they have Track and Field Day.  The kids pick three events to compete in, and parents take the day off work to volunteer and sit in the stands and cheer them on. In between events, there are other games to play, and fun stuff like popsicles and face tattoos. They even have a ribbon ceremony, and the whole thing is announced over the loudspeaker by the principal. This year, Norah chose to do the long jump, eraser shuffle, and the 100 meter dash. 100 meters might be a bit long for Norah.  She started off strong, but then faded when she began looking around to see who was cheering for her. She did place first in kindergarten girls long jump, though, so maybe track will be in her future after all.  Grandma Rosie came to watch the fun, which Norah loved.  The boys had a great time playing on the playground with Norah and her friends and taking it all in.

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