Friday, May 11, 2012

I'm not the fun parent (and I'm okay with that)

Slumber party!
Enjoying our snacks - all smiles!

Dennis has been given the title of "the fun parent", which used to irk me a little.  I've always thought of myself as someone who knows how to have a good time, and I couldn't understand why my kids didn't see me that way.  So, when Dennis had to be in Des Moines for a week training for his new position, I decided I was going to show my kids my fun side.  Each day after school, I had something planned.  We went to McDonald's for supper, out for ice cream, had a pizza party, and then, my crowing moment was a slumber party in my bed with popcorn, malts, and M&M's. How could this fail?  I pictured my kids telling Dennis that Mom is challenging his title...then reality hit.  My bed, although it is big, can barely accommodate three children, let alone Mommy.  When I turned out the lights at 8:30 (it was a school night, afterall), I was informed that this is not how slumber parties are supposed to go and I shouldn't call it a slumber party if we aren't going to follow the rules.  Then, there was the issue of who was going to sleep by Mommy.  I failed to take into consideration that three children would mean there was an odd man out. So, Finn and Norah took turns laying by me, which meant every 5 minutes they would switch places, causing Sully to join in the fun by jumping on everyone. Fun Mommy quickly disappeared and was replaced by Grumpy Mommy, who enforced rules about switching places, and poking each other, and if one more person talks, this slumber party would be over. But, once Sully fell asleep, I sat there and snuggled all three of my babies. I realized that all too quickly, this moment will be gone, and my bed won't be crammed with my kids fighting to sleep by me.  So, Norah and Finn and I quietly read stories by the flashlight and said our prayers, and talked until they fell asleep - much later than they should have. And right before Finn fell asleep, he said, "Will Dad be home tomorrow? I miss him."  To which Norah replied, " Me too, he's so much fun. Now go to sleep, Finn." My sentiments exactly. The universe cannot handle two fun parents. And since Dennis does it so well, I will let him have it. Being fun is exhausting!!!

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