Friday, May 11, 2012

We love you, Gemmen!!!!

 The little bakers at work...

 Norah had to miss Meg's going away party, so she made her a card. Being her mother, I found this incredibly sweet and wish she would make me one!!!
 The finished products...
For the past two years, my cousin  Meghan has come three times a week to play with the kids and give me some time to myself.  The kids absolutely adore her.  Next year, all three kids will be in school, and things won't be quite so crazy around our house, so Meghan won't be coming regularly anymore.  So, on her last day, the kids really wanted to do something special for her.  Finn decided she needed a cake, so we compromised on cupcakes, and then we went into town and Norah and Finn each picked out a bouquet of flowers to give her. They were so excited and had so much fun getting things ready for her. Of course, the boys had to sample some of the cupcakes, but I at least got them to wait until Meg showed up. This closes yet another chapter, and is another sign that my little family is growing up...not sure I'm ready for it, but I'm bound and determined to enjoy the ride! (even if it tugs at my heart a little in the process...)

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