Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Birthday for my Baby

 Making his cake

The big boys loved playing with Sully's gifts 

We celebrated Sully's 3rd birthday with the O'Neills and Meg on July 22. Sully chose a red cake with yellow frosting, and had a lot of fun baking it with me.  He got lots of neat things, but the most popular gift with the O'Neill guys was the Hot Wheels track. Sully has branched out to loving matchbox cars, much to his daddy's delight.  We now have a track attached to the wall in the playroom and many races take place there between daddy and his boys.  I can't believe my sweet little baby is now 3. He is all rough and tumble, and is determined to keep up with Norah and Finn.  But he still has his goofy sense of humor and such an easy going personality that never fails to make me smile.  Happy birthday, sweet little boy.  I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.

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