My crazy little monkeys. I love them to death!
On getting a job...
- "When I grow up, I'm not going to college. I am just going to play the flute. I've done it before, it's not that hard. You just blow like this: (demonstrates)"
- "I am going to be a veterinarian. But not one that goes to school. Either that or I'll be a scientist. But not one that goes to college, either."
- "I think I can be a fashion designer. But I won't actually have a store. I'll just sell stuff out of your garage, Mom."
- "I really don't think you need to go to college. I'll just make a lot of money. When will you let me be on TV?"
Her sense of style...
- "Mom, I am a fancy girl, and you just don't pick out clothes that are fancy enough. Why won't you let me be fancy? Don't you want me to be who I am?"
- "Mom, can I do your makeup? I promise I'll make you look like you normally do, only pretty."
- "Oh, Mom, finally! You are wearing a dress! It's good to see you look nice."
On sports...
- "I really don't think I want to go out for sports. I don't like to sweat."
- "If I got out for softball, can I play with my friends instead of playing in that field?"
- "Soccer is gross. All you do is run and sweat. I don't like it. Can I quit?" (after the first practice)
Random thoughts...
- "Dammit. I forgot to have Nurse Marilyn take my blood pressure!"
- "When I was an adorable baby, I grew in my mommy's tummy and kicked until one day at the hospital, Grandma Deanie helped mommy get me here I am!"
- "I just love swimming with giant sperm whales!"
- "I cannot eat Oreos. They have too much Minnesodium."
- "Can we go to church? I want to see you eat God." (Communion)
- "If God is dead, why do we see him every Sunday?" (the priest)
- "Hello, God. Nice to see you again." (to the priest. I should probably clear that one up...)
Debating with Sully...
"Sully, who is the best superhero - Batman, Superman, Ironman or the Hulk?"
"Sully, who is the best superhero - Batman, Superman, Ironman or the Hulk?"
Sully: "Ironman!"
"No Sully. Ironman isn't super. Just his suit is super."
Sully: "Batman!!!"
"Sully. He doesn't have any real powers! He's got a super suit too."
Sully: "Oh, I know! Hulk! Hulk has powers! He goes 'Hulk Smash!'" (runs around pretending to smash things)
"Yeah! Hulk is super!!! Oh, wait....but he has to get angry to be I guess Superman is the best, because he always has his super powers."
Sully: (bored) "Yay, Superman."
"Phew. That was hard work!"
Random Sully-isms:
Random Sully-isms:
- "I don't need underwears, Mom. I feel nice without them."
- (As I am trying to hustle the kids to the bathroom in Walmart so I can use the restroom.) "It's okay, Mom. You can make it! Just hold your penis!" (says this VERY loudly)
- "Gross, Mom! You God Bless You'd all over me!" (I sneezed while I was carrying him into the house)
- "Mom, look at me. I want to see something. Wow. Your teeth are old! Your face is old too! Wow, Mom!"
- "I am really happy. So I think I should hit something."
At school:
"Sully, try to cut this circle."
"Sully, try to cut this circle."
Sully: "Hmmm. No."
"Sully, cut out this circle."
Sully (to a little girl): "I like your heart, Claire!"
"Sully, turn the scissors around."
Sully: "Oh, sure I will!" (After a long period of time)..."I don't know how to cut."