Saturday, June 8, 2013

Home, Where Your Story Begins

 Okay, to tell the truth, I have been in our "old home" probably about 3 times since we have moved out. I think it's for a couple reasons.  The most obvious, is that I was so ready to be done with that dang place that once I was out, I wanted OUT. I had no desire to go back. But, the second reason was because, even though the house was falling apart and no longer accommodating our family, it was still where we started our life. It was where I brought my babies home. I rocked them to sleep their first nights there and laid them in their cribs there, and showed them Santa Claus and had slumber parties. First steps and first days of school all happened there.  To go back to it looking empty and lonely would be...sad. But, Dennis reminded me that we still had some things over there that we really needed to move out before it gets demolished.  Turns out, I was practically the only person who hasn't been poking around over there. Dennis and I let it known that if anyone found anything that people thought was salvageable, they could have at it. The house is gutted. Windows are gone, light fixtures are taken, pipes, toilets, woodwork, heater/AC unit - all found new homes. The Cedar Falls and Waterloo S.W.A.T teams have also been using our house for tactical entry practice and have busted up doors and walls. And then there are my children. They find it fun to pick up a sledgehammer and bust up the walls. (I actually did this today.  Now I am a fan too!) The poor house now is in shambles, and it makes me kinda sad. But, she's still there, being useful.  She may not be pretty, or even functional anymore, but there are stories inside her walls for so many different people. Looking back, I will fondly remember this home. After all, it is where our story began.

 Finn and Sully tearing into the wall on the stairs.
 Destruction junction!!

 Not the best pic.  But they were in heaven!
 Norah's room.  Dennis put so much work into it before she was born
 A man from our church took all of the old woodwork to use in an addition to his house.

 This is the hole Norah has been working on.
 The doorway to Finn and Sully's room.  Think this was the work of the Cedar Falls S.W.A.T
 Our bedroom closet
 Apparently the S.W.A.T team needs to know how to disarm bathroom sinks?
The wall in my (old) living room.  Love that.

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