Tuesday, June 18, 2013

$@#% my kids say

My kids are pretty crazy, and because of that, they tend to say some pretty off the wall stuff. I think it's funny, so I like to share it.  As I was telling my aunt Kate, she said, "Andi, I hope you are writing this  down, because someday you will want to have all this stuff." Good point, Kate.  Since everything else about our life is on here, I thought I would include some of the silliness that comes out of my kids' mouths.  I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

My crazy little monkeys.  I love them to death!

On getting a job...

  • "When I grow up, I'm not going to college. I am just going to play the flute. I've done it before, it's not that hard. You just blow like this: (demonstrates)"
  • "I am going to be a veterinarian. But not one that goes to school. Either that or I'll be a scientist. But not one that goes to college, either."
  • "I think I can be a fashion designer. But I won't actually have a store.  I'll just sell stuff out of your garage, Mom."
  • "I really don't think you need to go to college. I'll just make a lot of money. When will you let me be on TV?"

Her sense of style...

  • "Mom, I am a fancy girl, and you just don't pick out clothes that are fancy enough. Why won't you let me be fancy? Don't you want me to be who I am?"
  • "Mom, can I do your  makeup? I promise I'll make you look like you normally do, only pretty."
  • "Oh, Mom, finally! You are wearing a dress! It's good to see you look nice."

On sports...

  • "I really don't think I want to go out for sports. I don't like to sweat."
  • "If I got out for softball, can I play with my friends instead of playing in that field?"
  • "Soccer is gross.  All you do is run and sweat. I don't like it. Can I quit?" (after the first practice)

Random thoughts...

  • "Dammit. I forgot to have Nurse Marilyn take my blood pressure!"
  • "When I was an adorable baby, I grew in my mommy's tummy and kicked until one day at the hospital, Grandma Deanie helped mommy get me out...now here I am!"
  • "I just love swimming with giant sperm whales!"
  • "I cannot eat Oreos. They have too much Minnesodium."
  • "Can we go to church? I want to see you eat God." (Communion)
  • "If God is dead, why do we see him every Sunday?" (the priest)
  • "Hello, God. Nice to see you again." (to the priest. I should probably clear that one up...)

Debating with Sully...

"Sully, who is the best superhero - Batman, Superman, Ironman or the Hulk?"
Sully: "Ironman!"
"No Sully. Ironman isn't super. Just his suit is super."
Sully: "Batman!!!"
"Sully. He doesn't have any real powers! He's got a super suit too."
Sully: "Oh, I know! Hulk! Hulk has powers!  He goes 'Hulk Smash!'" (runs around pretending to smash things)
"Yeah! Hulk is super!!! Oh, wait....but he has to get angry to be super...so I guess Superman is the best, because he always has his super powers."
Sully: (bored) "Yay, Superman."
"Phew. That was hard work!"

Random Sully-isms:

  • "I don't need underwears, Mom. I feel nice without them."
  • (As I am trying to hustle the kids to the bathroom in Walmart so I can use the restroom.) "It's okay, Mom. You can make it!  Just hold your penis!" (says this VERY loudly)
  • "Gross, Mom! You God Bless You'd all over me!" (I sneezed while I was carrying him into the house)
  • "Mom, look at me. I want to see something.  Wow. Your teeth are old! Your face is old too! Wow, Mom!"
  • "I am really happy. So I think I should hit something."

At school:

 "Sully, try to cut this circle."
Sully: "Hmmm. No."
"Sully, cut out this circle."
Sully (to a little girl): "I like your heart, Claire!"
"Sully, turn the scissors around."
Sully: "Oh, sure I will!" (After a long period of time)..."I don't know how to cut."

Norah's Piano Recital 6/9/13

Dennis and I decided this year that Norah should take piano.  Dennis and I took lessons for many, many years, and from those lessons, I can probably play as well as any third grader.  Dennis can read the heck out of some notes, but doesn't actually play anything. Nevertheless, we thought it would be a good thing for all of our kids to pick up.  As my mom always said, "If you can play piano, you can play anywhere." Provided that "anywhere" has a piano close by, of course. Maybe it's because of my current piano skills (or lack thereof), but I was pretty impressed with Norah. She started taking lessons this fall, and by her recital she was already able to play with both hands. Together. Bass and Treble Cleff. I don't think I started that business until I was at least two years in. She played four songs for her recital - two duets and two solos, and she did terrific. Her teacher, Mrs. Marks, told us she was quite nervous about playing, but she never let on to us. And while she was performing, she was all smiles. Fake it til you make it, kiddo! She looked like a natural. People told us that she was the cutest little thing ever, just smiling away while playing. And of course, we acted like we didn't know it. But it was pretty darn cute!

Duet with Mrs. Marks 

 Solo action!
 Norah and Mrs. Marks
Me and my girl. Proud of her!!!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Home, Where Your Story Begins

 Okay, to tell the truth, I have been in our "old home" probably about 3 times since we have moved out. I think it's for a couple reasons.  The most obvious, is that I was so ready to be done with that dang place that once I was out, I wanted OUT. I had no desire to go back. But, the second reason was because, even though the house was falling apart and no longer accommodating our family, it was still where we started our life. It was where I brought my babies home. I rocked them to sleep their first nights there and laid them in their cribs there, and showed them Santa Claus and had slumber parties. First steps and first days of school all happened there.  To go back to it looking empty and lonely would be...sad. But, Dennis reminded me that we still had some things over there that we really needed to move out before it gets demolished.  Turns out, I was practically the only person who hasn't been poking around over there. Dennis and I let it known that if anyone found anything that people thought was salvageable, they could have at it. The house is gutted. Windows are gone, light fixtures are taken, pipes, toilets, woodwork, heater/AC unit - all found new homes. The Cedar Falls and Waterloo S.W.A.T teams have also been using our house for tactical entry practice and have busted up doors and walls. And then there are my children. They find it fun to pick up a sledgehammer and bust up the walls. (I actually did this today.  Now I am a fan too!) The poor house now is in shambles, and it makes me kinda sad. But, she's still there, being useful.  She may not be pretty, or even functional anymore, but there are stories inside her walls for so many different people. Looking back, I will fondly remember this home. After all, it is where our story began.

 Finn and Sully tearing into the wall on the stairs.
 Destruction junction!!

 Not the best pic.  But they were in heaven!
 Norah's room.  Dennis put so much work into it before she was born
 A man from our church took all of the old woodwork to use in an addition to his house.

 This is the hole Norah has been working on.
 The doorway to Finn and Sully's room.  Think this was the work of the Cedar Falls S.W.A.T
 Our bedroom closet
 Apparently the S.W.A.T team needs to know how to disarm bathroom sinks?
The wall in my (old) living room.  Love that.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Good dirty fun is much better than good clean fun!

 "We're stuck!"
 Norah to the rescue
 Push, Norah!
 Gator is saved
 Now time to celebrate!
 Finn finally arrived...just in time to play
 The water goes up to Finn's boots

So, on the last day of school my kids played outside.  I distinctly remember telling them NOT to get muddy. They told me they were going to drive the gator and the tractor around. We agreed that would be acceptable and I went into the house.  A little while later, Finn came running into the house saying, "Whoops! No big deal Mom! Just gotta put my on mud clothes and my galoshes." Hmmmm.  I went outside and found Norah and Sully. In the gator. In the middle of our huge mud puddle. Norah had driven the gator into the mud, not realizing how deep that puddle was and it got stuck. Norah was able to jump out of the gator to go put her mud gear on, but Sully was stranded and I had put him in a cute outfit for his last day of school and I didn't want him to ruin it so I made him stay put. Norah came running back all changed, and brought Sully's boots with her. So, Sully drove the gator while Norah pushed. It was really good teamwork, and I was pretty pleased. Then, since Norah was muddy, she stayed in the puddle, and Sully quickly joined her (in his nice clothes).  By the time Finn came back, the rescue mission was complete, but since the other two were playing in the mud, it was a lost cause. They had the biggest mud party ever. Finn brought out his swim toys and buried them in the mud hole and the other two went diving for them. It was pretty gross, and I'm pretty sure Sully's clothes ended up getting ruined anyway. At the time I remember telling myself that this is just kids being kids. But then, right before bedtime, Finn remembered his swim toys were still stuck in the mud, so I was the one who had to go out and rake through the muck to find them. I do not enjoy mud. Summer Rule #!: No more mud parties!!!

Friday, May 31, 2013

School Year Comes to A Close

 Sully's first day of 3 yr old preschool
 Finn's first day of 4 yr old preschool
 Norah's first day of 1st grade
 Last day!

 Finn's teacher -  Mrs. Folkerts
 Preschool head teacher - Mrs. Perez
Ready for her last day!

When the kids started school this year, I remember thinking that life was going to slow down a bit and I would have more time to myself. Boy was I wrong! Sully started school this year, and in typical Sully fashion, seamlessly entered his new routine. He went to school Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:30-11:00. He loved school, and knew all of his classmates by name within the first month. His teachers were Mrs. Perez and Mrs. Folkerts, and they loved his silly personality, but were also quick to point out how bright he was. By Spring conferences, he had mastered the skill sets that were being taught in the 4 yr old classroom. Dennis and I were pretty surprised. We had Sully pegged as having a frat boy mentality of parties, fun, and shenanigans. Turns out he is a smart frat boy. The teachers said that if he doesn't get challenged in school, he could turn to mischief to keep himself occupied. We have a feeling wherever shenanigans can be found, Sully will be close by. 
Finn had a bit of a hard time with the adjustment to 3 yr old preschool last year, so it was good that he had familiar faces to return to in school. In addition to the teachers, both boys were in love with one associate - Rhandi. They talked about her nonstop at home and flirted with her constantly. Finn went to school Monday through Thursdays 12:20-3:20.  As I mentioned before, Finn's teachers were absolutely amazing with him, and recognized the areas that caused him anxiety and helped him be the best Finn he could be.  I had a hard day with his last day of preschool. Truth be told, after I dropped him off, I got back in the car and cried. He has to try so hard to overcome situations and scenarios that come naturally to other kids that sometimes my heart just hurts for him. He's getting older and it's going to be harder to protect him from the world when he will be gone all day everyday. But, I have to tell myself that boy is also strong and has good character. I might need to be the one who fights his battles for me more than Finn actually needs me to do it.  (Tough lesson!) Mama bear might just have to watch him go out and show the world what a great little boy he is and carve his own path. I was so lucky that he had teachers that saw Finn beneath the worrying and then the sickness and the meds he was on. He came so far this year, and I am so proud of him!
Then there is Norah. Norah had Mrs. Kopriva.  Norah started off the year just like she does every year - by testing the teacher and pushing the boundaries. Her first impression of first grade was that it was too hard and there weren't enough hugs given, but she soon settled into her routine. Norah wasn't so much interested in school work as she was socializing with her classmates. She is a bright girl, but spent portions of the year remembering how to take her time and do her best work rather than just rushing through it to get it done. She still doesn't get too concerned with working to her fullest potential, but we are told she is caring and respectful and tells the most amazing stories.  Her teacher thinks she will be an actress. I am looking into the next 10 years and I see lots of drama in our future...
I can't believe I have KIDS.  As in, three small people.  It was only a few years ago where I would say that I had a preschooler, a toddler, and an infant. Now they have their own personalities that are distinctly different from one another and are so unique and challenging, and exhausting, and wonderful.  I guess this is what being a mom is all about? Getting them to this stage and then gradually watch them get more and more independent.  This kinda sucks for us moms. Because the days can get so LONG with life and craziness that sometimes you don't get to appreciate them. But the years?  Man, they go by fast. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Happy Birthday, Finn Willie!

 Such a happy boy!!!!

Finn's 5th birthday was great. He helped me bake and frost his blue cake with blue frosting, and was so excited to have people over for his special day that he picked out his favorite outfit - his orange shorts and orange shirt. He got so many great things, but his Dad surprised him with the BEST GIFT EVER...an actual drum set.  He had been talking about one for a month, and if you asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he would say, "Drum set, drum sticks and cymbals".  He was in heaven! It was a great moment for us.  Especially, since about week later, Finn got really sick and it was awhile before we saw the happy boy in the pictures above. Since he was diagnosed with Minimal Change, loud noises really bother him, so the drums haven't gotten used all that much since then. But before that, he sure pounded the crap out of them. He was so happy with his drums that we didn't even mind the racket. Well, much. I do hope he feels better to start going at it again. It will be a great sound to hear - maybe because to me that means he will be feeling better?

Go Big Blue!!!

Cheerleaders are one of the greatest things in the world to Norah. So, when Dike High School puts on a cheer clinic, everything in our house stops so Norah can eat, sleep and breathe cheerleading. This winter's cheer clinic was no exception.  I think it took months before we had the cheer "show 'em how to wrestle, twist 'em like a pretzel" out of our heads.  And anything cool was punctuated by spirit fingers. My fancy girl doesn't really like sports right now, but cheerleading? That's where it's at. Go Big Blue!!