Monday, June 18, 2012

Potty Time!!!

 The breeze feels so nice up here.
"Hey look! I'm naked!"

We are officially potty training Sully...which means that he is naked from the waist down.  For some reason, the boys caught on more quickly this way...even when we went out in public.  Proof of this is the first photo of Finn, streaking down Daisy St in Dike last summer when we were potty training him.  And Sully is falling right in step.  I took the kids to the park last week, and packed three pairs of shorts and underwear for Sully, and he wet right through them all. So I stripped him down, and he was just fine walking around footloose and fancy free.  Thankfully, we were with our friends the Paulsens, who witnessed Finn's naked escapades last year (he was streaking outside their house in photo one), so they were pretty uninterested with Sully's butt.  However, Sully wanted to be certain that they knew he was naked, so he lifted up his shirt and exposed himself to them, which meant it was time to take my little exhibitionist home. The good news is, after this day, he made the connection, and is now doing great using the potty. We have even been able to put pants on the boy, and even though he prefers au naturale, it doesn't look like he'll be running away to join a nudist colony...although this IS Sully we're talking about, so we're never quite sure what he'll be up to

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