Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer is Here!

 Off they go!!

 "I better fix my bike. It's broken."

 Pedal, Finn!!!
Our first family picture of summer...or a picture of the only one who listened to me.

Our first day of summer vacation was May 23, so I decided to take the kids on a bike ride around Grundy Lake.  We have a great bike path, and since we live on gravel, my kids don't really know what it's like to ride anywhere but around our garage floor.  This was our first summer adventure! Sully lasted on his bike about 63 seconds before he declared it broken and took off on foot for the rest of the mile. He loved weaving in between the kids, playing with the anthills, and chasing the geese.  I was left pulling his bike behind me. It was really windy, so if Finn didn't pedal hard, he actually went backward, which was an interesting concept for him to grasp. I tried to get a picture of everyone sitting on the bench together, but of course, as soon as I mentioned it, the boys took off. Norah obliged, so I took her picture solo, which I'm pretty sure she liked better anyway. It was great fun, and I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of time there this summer!

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