Wednesday, June 27, 2012

T-ball 2012

 Batter up!

Dennis obviously LOVES coaching 

I got it!

Finn started T-ball this year, and it experience.  This year was an introduction to the rules and basics, so in order to keep the many 4 year olds in line, Dennis helped out each practice. I think his main job was keeping Finn focused. Finn understood the concept of the game, and got excited when it was his turn to bat or run the bases, but his attention wandered frequently.  The last practice, the boys scrimmaged the other  4 and 5 year old team from Dike. It was a funny sight.  The poor coaches had their hands full. Boys were running the bases the wrong way, wandering off, forgetting to run after they hit the ball, playing in the dirt (that was Finn), filling their hats with dirt, (Finn again), and deciding that playing catcher means standing behind the batter, throwing dirt at him, and yelling "Catch!" (sadly, Finn). The other crowning moment was when Finn stood at the third base line and shouted. "Mom?  Where are you? I'm hungry, bring me a corndog!" Even though Dennis was the third base coach and standing less than two feet from him. You could clearly tell the kids whose parents work with them outside of practice, and no surprise, Finn was not one of those kids. I'm not sure if Finn will be a baseball star, but he had fun, and genuinely looked forward to each practice, so next year, perhaps with a little more guidance from Dennis and I, he will be a little better.  Or at least not use the infield has his own personal sandbox.  Whatever.

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