Friday, June 1, 2012

Wasserbahn!(I think it's German for Holy crap, this is cold water!)

 Taking a break to feel our toes again

 Summer family picture - second attempt

We took the kids overnight to Wasserbahn Waterpark in Williamsburg.  My kids are such troopers.  When we got to our room, Finn said, "Wow! This hotel even has toilet paper! Amazing!"  I'm so happy that my kids are so easily impressed.  The water in the pools was FREEZING. We talked to the manager, who said they were trying to fix it, but it never improved.  They also ended up closing down the big pool due to some "techincal difficulties".  A water pipe burst near our room, so we also had a nice wet dog smell to deal with.  But, our kids powered through.  They swam til their little feet were about to fall off and their lips turned blue. (which actually only took about 15 minutes for Finn. Seriously, the water was subzero) They were upset when it was time to go, but we promised more adventures.  Adventures are big in my house.  We get a lot of enthusiastic participation just by using that word.  I would definitely call this stay an adventure, and I was less than enthusiastic about it.  I will be calling the manager and the corporate office to relay my disappointment.  But the kids?  They were good with it. Makes me proud of the silly little monkeys.

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